
Grief in a little book

I made this book about the grief journey I've been on since my youngest son (42 years old) passed away last year...Some days she carries a heavy load...Some days she walks with a quiet companion...All days it is there...There is no THE END to grief...And yet...This she calls to mind: The Lamb in the midst of the throne is her Shepherd, The Shepherd guides her to springs of living water, The Shepherd wipes away every tear from her eyes, Therefore, she has hope...


This is a piece in process. I'm working on a book based on this piece that explores the conversations I want to have with each of the women represented in this piece. From left to right are: Saint Monica, mother of Augustine; Mary, the mother of God; me having a conversation with Naomi from the Biblical book of Ruth, Hannah from the Biblical gook of 1 Samuel, Saint Julian of Norwich, and my Grandma, Dorcas Lucille Best. The piece is 18"x24" and, with the exception of the 'shadows' is created using gel-printed papers I created.

Fashion Week

Mixed Media Collage This piece is my first attempt at a collage work using my gel-print papers. This was fun! I debated on painting faces for each figure but in the end decided to leave these to the viewers imagination. I entered this piece into a regional art show sponspored by the Raymore Arts Counsel in April, 2024 called, "Perspectives". This piece was awarded First Place in Mixed Media, etc. Pretty thrilled with that! The piece is 12"x16".